Barcelona Sports Hub

26 Apr

Gracias @bcnsportshub y #NoBullshitTalk por este evento tan inspirador 🔝 y a Pol Masvidal, gràcies per convidar-me! 🩵 Y sobretodo gracias por crear comunidad y conocimiento. Conectando y creciendo juntos 💪
Thank you @bcnsportshub and #NoBullshitTalk for this inspiring event 🔝and to Pol Masvidal, thank you for inviting me! 🩵 And above all, thank you for creating community and knowledge.  Connecting and growing together 💪

Port de Barcelona

26 Apr

Hoy hemos realizado una salida en barco 🛟 por el Port de Barcelona y hemos podido ver el gran trabajo y esfuerzo 💪 que se está llevando a acabo para la 🏆Copa América, que se celebrará a partir de este próximo 22 de agosto.

Muchas gracias @portdebarcelona por esta salida y Felicidades por todo lo que estáis consiguiendo.

Un trabajo de esta envergadura solo es posible con un gran equipo detrás. 🩵🐬

Today we took a boat trip 🛟 through the @portdebarcelona and we were able to see the great work and effort 💪that is being carried out for the 🏆Copa América, which will be held starting this coming August 22.

Thank you very much Port de Barcelona for this outing and congratulations for everything you are achieving.

A job of this magnitude is only possible with a great team behind it.🩵🐬

Tech Barcelona

19 Apr
Feliz de anunciar la incorporación de BlueGreen Vision como miembro de la Comunidad Tech Barcelona   🩵💚
Una gran oportunidad 🔝de formar parte del ecosistema digital y tecnológico de Barcelona y en el caso de BlueGreen, enfocado en la economía azul 🐬 de la mano del Port de Barcelona, BlueTechPort.

Se abren nuevas puertas, un nuevo camino y mucha ilusión🐠.

Be Water, Be Ocean 🌊

Happy to announce the incorporation of BlueGreen Vision  as a member of the Tech Barcelona  Community 🩵💚. 

A great opportunity 🔝 to be part of the digital and technological ecosystem of Barcelona and in the case of BlueGreen, focused on the blue economy 🐬 with the help of the Port de Barcelona, BlueTechPort.

New doors open, a new path and a lot of excitement🐠 

Be Water, Be Ocean 🌊


10 Apr

Y así ha transcurrido el primer día de la Conferencia de la Década de los Océanos,🌊 en la que se discute básicamente cómo afrontar los diez retos 💪 que se establecieron en el 2017 para preservar nuestros océanos.

Con el lema “La Ciencia que necesitamos para el Océano que queremos” 🩵🐬

And this is how the first day of the Ocean Decade Conference passed, 🌊 in which we basically discussed how to face the ten challenges 💪 that were established in 2017 to preserve our oceans.

With the motto “The Science we need for the Ocean we want” 🩵🐬



9 Apr

Today is the day! 🌊🐬

This is a two part event that will explore new ways towards harmony with nature, expanding the scientific approach through sensory and artistic perceptions and interactions.

✅️ Part 1 – WORKSHOP

📍Sala d’actes Ramon Margalef, Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM)-CSIC

Speakers will share insights on raising awareness about the ocean’s vital role in our planet through six inspiring stories.


📍Passeig Marítim de la Barceloneta,
plaça Charles Darwin.
Open to all public

Attendees will follow the rhythms of a percusion band. The event will conclude with a collective coral performance and a guitar concert. Participants will have the opportunity  to co-write a “Letter to the Ocean”.


@bluegreen Vision


21 Mar

We continue with energy at BlueGreen Vision (@bluegreenv) with the Ocean Literacy activity #MarInfluencers 🌊 which takes place in Roses, Cap de Creus, for the students of the Illa de Rodes Institute. 

As the next influencers🎤, it is important that they know the work and impact of other great influencers in the marine world such as Jacques Cousteau or Sylvia Earle and thus inspire them to also contribute to the conservation of our oceans.🐠🐙

Thanks to @EmpowerUs_EU, @silvi.g.mestres (Spanish Academic Lead @seapeoples_lab, Autonomous University of Barcelona) for making this activity a reality 🐳


19 Mar

Yesterday BlueGreen Vision (@bluegreenv)  began the Ocean Literacy 🌊#Marinfluencers activity, which takes place in Roses, Cap de Creus, for the students of the Illa de Rodes Institute.

This activity is being carried out thanks to EmpowerUs EU Project , @Sílvia Gómez Mestres @seapeoples_lab 🐬

#Marinfluencers helps to learn about the ocean and its global challenges, in this way students become informed citizens and capable of contributing to their conservation, developing as influencers of the sea.🩵🐳

Blue Economy

5 Mar

Blue economy in the Olympic Port of Barcelona.  The future is blue…and green.
@Bluegreenv 🩵🐬💚


MWC2024 – 4YFN

29 Feb

Otro día más viviendo esta nueva era tecnológica revolucionaria en el MWC2024 🩵💚


Another day living this new revolutionary technological era at MWC2024 🩵💚


28 Feb

Espectacular MWC2024 en Barcelona, y eso que de momento solo he visto una pequeña parte.

Spectacular MWC 2024 in Barcelona, and so far I have only seen a small part! 🩵🐬💚